It seems that TAP Pharmaceuticals has recognized that their Prevacid oral suspension may not be the best way to deliver acid suppression to kids. The word in the nursery is that it's going the way of the hula hoop and will soon be phased out of the pediatric market. If it bears out, this is a good decision. The confusion about its proper use by parents is surpassed only by the confusion seen among pediatricians. Most common misuse: Splitting the packet into “two doses” which many times lead parents to dispense strawberry flavoring during the first administration with a double dose of medication during the second administration (the packets consist of flavoring and medicated time release beads which often settle away from one another). While this type of use was never the intent of the manufacturer, the market has a funny way of doing its own thing, especially when it comes to giving medication to kids. But even when properly suspended in 30 cc of water as recommended, this volume is often too much for a toddler to consume.
Kudos to our friends at TAP for recognizing what’s not working and innovating new ways to keep our kid’s stomachs happy and healthy.